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Life in Cable!!(Donkey)

A simple story but something to always remember...(smokin)

One day a farmer's donkey fell into an abandoned well. The animal
cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was old and the well needed to be covered
up anyway; so it just wasn't worth it to him to try to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They each
grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. Realizing
what was happening, the donkey at first cried and wailed horribly.
Then, a few shovelfuls later, he quieted down completely.

The farmer peered down into the well, and was astounded by what he
saw. With every shovelful of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing
something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up on the
new layer of dirt.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal,
he would shake it off and take a step up. Pretty soon, the donkey
stepped up over the edge of the well and trotted off, to the shock and
astonishment of all the neighbors!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick
to getting out of the well is to not let it bury you, but to shake it off
and take a step up.

This is posting #78786. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Life in Cable!!(Donkey) Alignment Tech 7/24/2002 9:03:00 AM
Re: Life in Cable!!(Donkey) cablsurvivor 7/23/2002 12:18:00 PM