You should try to get to know who you are bashing out there first. Your assumptions make you look stupid. No one said that it was 17 years in house. Check with Thor, ADB, M&M, CCG,and Mastec for a few if you want to know what you are really dealing with. Then maybe chek my inhouse references with TWC, Charter, and ATT.
I am working and supporting my family, how about you?
> spoken just like a know nothing/no decision making, spinless inhouse screw anyone guy. thanks for posting your true colors. so youve been in the biz 17yrs, yup, all of it spent sitting on your fat ass. and after 17yrs in the biz you make the grand total of $35,000 pr yr. yup, you get what you pay for! hey dummy, your crews are laughing behind your back. they have convinced you that splicing 1 amp and 5 taps is a good day. if you think youre saving money, where are you hiding the rest, mr enron? I hope you own a lot of tw stock and have been holding it for awile, check your portfoilo. youve screwed your self, or is watching your stock going from $43 to $12 saving money too? I see time warner going the same way adelphia is. is tci the model tw is trying to follow?

> > I love nothing more that to send cocky contractors down the road. Sorry guy, but I have been in the business 17 years and know how it works. check my system out and you will find that I have only a few drop bury crews, and a small UG plant maintenance crew. We do all aerial, installation, splicing, and anything else we can in house. This kind of stuff gets you promoted, not fired. Actually I am in need of some installers, what are you doing the next few years??

> >
> > > yea right we'll see

> > >
> > > > We're gonna make this work just to piss guys like you're self off.......

> > > >
> > > > > so your a tech mgr that means you manage the laziest guys in the biz

> > > > >
> > > > > > I am a tech manager in SC. Our directive is to take all possible work in house. Installs, construction, etc. We are not losing money on the deal here. We are actually getting more bang for the buck. Sorry guys.

> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Here in central Wisconsin Time Warner decided to take all splicing and most non-ug maintance work in house at a cost of more than twice they were paying the rather small contractor I was working for. Needless to say I'm now out of work while my old co. is struggling with ug work. This was supposed to be a nation-wide directive and was wondering if any other T.W. franchises are doing the same thing. We're were hopping it would all blow up in their faces but so far it looks like it's going to stick. Maybe it is time to find a real job!