We are a mapping and design house in operation since 1985. I am sure we could be of help on your project. We were a beta developer for Lode Data and I know that with our knowledge base we can bring your project to life. If interested contact me via e-mail at (-REDACTED-) Thank you
> I opened this discussion months ago. I am still developing a fiber/coax construction-upgrade, quality control program to be used by the system operator. I'm looking for feedback, specifically concerning any software programs and comprehensive, well organized systems that may be in use by independant quality control contractors. I have seen many quality control sytems that do nothing more than stack-up paperwork and point the finger at the responsible contractor. The cable system is still left trashed and industry construction standards are compromised everywhere. Is anyone doing a post construction/upgrade QC walkthrough that does more and gives more to the cable system operator than just pointing a finger at sub-standard construction installations?
> Naturally this is going to ruffle some contractor's feathers. So try to keep the flaming to a minimum. Constructive (no pun intended)comments are appreciated.
> Thanx.
