I didn't know you were looking for work. Call me anytime 405-249-3225. We have plenty of work and always need good help. Talk to you soon
> Lil' BOO!!
> Hey, drop me a line @ (-REDACTED-) . Jake is doing great, has 4 teeth now, annie is good, and we're up in MI now (damn near canada, damn good fishing!) Still waiting on Foster to call me and put me to work... Till then, just working on computers for a company up here. Talk to you soon.
> Jim B.
> > Hey Jim! I hope this is Jim B. I guess by my handle you know who this is. I used to be Extex but I had to change it. How are you and your family doing? Whats tim doing now? I am really glad to hear from you. Give me a call sometime. (314)429-4418.
> >
> > lil ray ray
> > (sarah)
> >
> >
> > > Looking for the user named EXTEX, or anyone from St. Louis operation that worked with TCC... Old friend wanting to say hi to everybody...
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jim
Re: Looking for EXTEX
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