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Re: websites to place ads


My question to you is: Have you resolved your logistical problems?? I sold 4 systems and faxed the info to you but the customers never got their EQ. You would not return my calls, faxes, or EM's.  I ended up with 4 PISSED OFF customers.

We didnt mind the deal you had offered, the problem is we couldnt trust yoiu to keep up your end.  When I give someone my word that they will get their EQ within a set amount of days [because you told me that time table], then they and I expect it to be there.

Let me know how you are running things now, We are still interested in the sales/installs and I have website info that is perfect for you to find installers in.

Jay in VA

This is posting #77241. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: websites to place ads by directvdealer
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