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Re: Petergun & those NOT involved.....

Oh NOW isn't this SWEET! NICK? Your such an idiot!
I only did a little "SWEEP" in the field! "YOUR" so called buddy contractors did all that HANDY WORK "YOU" "SUPPOSABLY" cleaned up out here!
I still have ALL the SWEEP records if your SORRY AZZ wants to come out here and go over any of it!
But, then again..........YOUR just too damn chickenCHIT to come out to meet me!
Go ahead and tell all these people YOUR SAD SONG!!!!!!!!!
I for ONE an LAUGHING at you!!!!!!!

> I am a little insulted that I wasn't first on the list.....Not because you ever hurt me but because you hurt some good honest contractors out there......I saw alot of dear friends (that follow me to projects just because they know that I will be fair and treat them with respect) get dished a load of cleanup crap and get no gravy because of the fieasco that Pickrell created in Little Rock......These people trust me....and we have a good professional relationship ......or should I say .....Had a good professional relationship but I had to stick it to them to clean up Pickrels mess.......And guys for that I'm truly sorry.
> I guess instead of fighting with Pickrell I should treat him like a person that has no control of their a person with a mental problem.... or a retarted person ....God bless their souls ....they just can't help it.
> If I had to lose to someone I'm glad it was Sweep Daddy, that guy has had me rolling on the floor a many of nights with the things that he posts..........Truly a silver tongue devil.
> Nick Thomas
> > There are people out there that have gotten involved in this whole mess that do even belong in it!
> > I for one have NOTHING against and NOTHING more to say any longer to those that I know NOT!
> > To name a couple this GUN BATTLE is between:
> >
> > Micheal O'Conner
> > Nick Thomas
> > Allen MCGloughland
> > AND I will add (Those of you that I FIRED from the SWEEP project in Little Rock)!
> >
> > Back in the olden days? The GUN FIGHT stayed between the ones that had the beef with eachother!
> >
> > I will NOT "POINT" anymore GUNS at those of you that have nothing to do with this!
> >
> > Just let me deal with the WIMPS that I have the BEEF with!
> >
> > AND "NO"! I'm not going anywhere else!
> >
> > I'm still a CATV Veteran! I was in the business for years!
> >
> > I am still doing some broadband at this time!
> >
> > "NO" I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER be a lineman. first hook, fiber dude, fiber joe....whatever!
> >
> > But, I'm DONE playing GAMES with those of you that chose to TRY to intimidate me and run me off!
> >
> > I spent 2 years in lockup and serveral more years in differant JAILS in my younger years! THEY DID NOT FRIGHTEN ME FACE TO FACE! YOU DO NOT FRIGHTEN ME FACE TO FACE!
> >
> >
> > GET IT?
> >
> > I DON'T GET MADDDDDD I GET EVENNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(moon)(butthead)(argue)(2gun)(nutbags)(boxer)
This is posting #77154. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Petergun & those NOT involved..... by PSYCHOBlackSheep
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