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Re: THORN in YOUR SIDE!!!!!!

your reply helped me figure out how in the world it could take anyone a year to sweep a node, so let me help you out, learning to read and write should improve you sweeping greatly. as for your mindless ramblings about the cable industry going to hell and all cable dogs being stupid and calling sat. installers techs. well let's just say that your words reflect you intelligence or should I say lack there of.

> Well........I guess this WOULD have been a good reply BUT seems your cutting your nose off to PIKE your FACE! It's really a totally indiotic reply! You know why?
> You "CABLEDAWGS" ever heard of MASTEC? They are now contracting out..........YES......Satellite Installations!!!!!!! AND WHY you ask??????
> Because the CABLE industry SUCKS for WORK!!!! LOL
> They NEED the work!
> My personal opinion on MASTEC themselves is they helped "SCREW UP" the Cable Contracting now they want to do the same to the Satellite Contracting Industry!
> Hey "CABLEDAWGS"????????????????
> STAY OUT OF THE Satellite INDUSTRY! We need "REAL TECHNICIANS" not a bunch of LOW LIFES!!!!!!!!!!
> (moon)> > What a BUNCH of CRY BABIES!!!!!!!!!(rotflmao)(roll)(spin)(wacky)
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Posted in reply to: Re: THORN in YOUR SIDE!!!!!! by linedogJJD13
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