I am not certain of the particulars surrounding this recent scandal, I am very suspisious never the less. I think Cable view may be more right then he knows. I sensed a shock test as soon as this ruling came down. Whether or not they are plying for votes is un-certain to me. I do believe this has been nothing more then testing waters and getting an understanding of ' how much has patriotism grown since 9-11, and how many are believing less in this country and what it stands for?' they have many sneaky judicial and legislative tactics for measuring dissent, this may be one of the tricks. Congress uses our Higher courts for this purpose. I think that is what Cable view meant when he said that. I don't think it is for grabbing votes as much as it is for shock-testing the public with emotional issues to see where grass roots sentiment is resting. I may be wrong, too. I am not certain, I am familiar with this being done on other issues. They are able to gather much information about who' s believing and who isn't. I only offer this opinion as worthy of consideration, nothing concrete that I could argue for. If I find anything telling of this origin being anything other then what it is , I will forward the info on to every one here. But ....this is why they call me Petergunn Lookstwice!!!!! I don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist, I admit, though, I am very, very distrusting of any thing coming from our courts.
Til' we speak again, keep your heads down and make it home. I think we are living behind enemy lines....