> Contractor beware this company starting with it's so called owner are a bunch of rip off artists, they have made a living off of the backs of other people like us! They will lie to you just so you can go and work for them and then you in trouble cause the lies will not stop. TONY GILBERT will tell you one thing and then f**k you by doing something else. This ass**le is always up to something he always has a card up his sleeve, I just donn't know how this piece of sh-t always gets work, perhaps he is the reason for all the prices going down! Maybe the MSO have heard of him so in order to get work he will slave for it, well not him but the poor people that will work for him. I do know one thing if we do form a union this company would not be a part of that at all! We need to clean this industry up and get rid of as*h*les like this one! People lets make a difference and get people and companies like this out of our business! TONY ONE OTHER THING IF AND WHEN YOU READ THIS DON'T COME ON HERE TRYING TO DEFEND YOURSELF AND YOUR COMPANY CAUSE WE ALL KNOW YOU WILL! JUST HACE THE TRUTH LIKE A REAL MAN AND PLEASE DO ALL OF US A FAVOR AND GET OUT OF OUR INDUSTRY! IT IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT LIE, CHEAT, AND STABB PEOPLE IN THE BACK LEAVING ALL OF US TO SUFFER! GET THE F**K OUT AS*HOLE!