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Re: Adelphia files chap. 11, finally

Usally what happens in a chapter 11 is the old creditors ( bond holders , banks etc) renogotiate there debt. What happens then is the existing stock holders are left holding the bag. Which means you are the last ones on the food chain. New stock will be issued. Bond holders will probably end up with around 70 percent of the new stock issued. Which means existing share holders will end up splitting the other 30 percent if they are lucky. That means if you had 1000 shares you might get lucky and come out with 300 shares. What happens to your old shares you ask? They go bye bye, with you getting no compensation. Thats why if you watch CNBC and the anyalists are wondering why people where out buying Adelphia shares prior to the filling, they attributted it to the fact that investors did not realize that once the bankruptcy filling took place all of there shares would disappear.(clap)

> Just an FYI folks. Investigate the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 11. In short, C-7 typically means that the overseeing judge creates a fire sale on all assets to pay off debt. C-11 (As in Adelphia's case) as most of you are aware, negotiated a $1.5b deal (Debt Possession - The banks probably took possesion of properties with enough subscriber count to act as collateral) with two NYC banks to keep their operating units afloat as they "Restructure" the organization.
> I think great things shall emerge from this tragic event. With upgrades/rebuilds once again starting in a few months maybe, the additional revenue streams are extreme cream and won't be ignored.
> Meanwhile, look at today's stock prices.....Whatever you do, don't sell! (smokin)
> > Oh well, it's a done deal now, chapter 11 for Adelphia that is. Could be good things coming out of this...stay tuned(cry)
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