
> 1. Learn how to enunciate all of your words, and for crying out loud, learn how to spell
> 2. Turn on the news or go to any website that contains some news. The Disney Channel doesn’t count.
> a. Notice the drop in the stock market over the past few years
> 3. There are no guarantees in life
> a. Many of you think that the companies and contractors owe you something. Grow up. What do you owe them.
> 4. For those of you that made it to high school, remember when the guidance counselor gave you the test, “Sir, would you like frys with that order?”
> That was your first clue that should of accepted a career in the food service industry
> I’m pleased to address any more of your whinning when posted to this site in the future.
> Yours truly,
> Jim Wines