To continue, Satellite has many advantages over cable and if it didnt, the cable companies would not be putting themselves on the verge of bankruptcy to try to upgrade their systems to catch up to the technology leaders [Sat companies].
Also, the cable companies get their feeds from where? A satellite dish. How coincidental. Yes, the satellite industry is the Fastest growing media industry. The future is progression not regression.
As far as locals, DTV has announced that it is adding 12 new major local markets this year. So, the local issue is becoming a smaller and smaller issue, especially as the cable companies constantly increase their rates to cover their costs and keep up higher profits.
As far as the comments of constantly repairing sat eq and how expensive it is, that is a farce also. Not to mention that both DBS companies offer for an extra$5 per month, they get unlimited free service calls and eq replacement!!!!
As far as cable having 35 movie channels, that wonderfull if you like watching the same thing 3 hours later on the west coast feed which half of the movie channels are.
Oh, by the way, where is the NFL package that carries all the regular seaon football games in a true digital format??? Not with the cable companies.
Before you get all flustered, I am both a Sat Tech & A Cable Tech. I know the pros and cons of both and I am very upfront with cutomers about this. If a sat is not going to suit their needs then I tell them to stay with cable and visa versa. The reason most people are switching right now is because they are sick of the cable companies and all their BS. It is sad but true.
There are some awesome capabilities in the works for the sat companies right now that are totally going to blow the cable companies away and the advantage will be that the cabnle companies will not be able to utilize the technoligies because of the limits that are inherent with hard line systems.
Again, the future is satellites and any one who disagrees might as well get in their Flintstone mobile and peddle home. But for the time being, the two systems will have to coexist because it is true, cable wont be going away anytime soon.
That is my 2 cents worth.

> Well, I don't know about everybody else, but I'm not taking a beating. As a matter of fact, there's a big dish network operation right here in town. The only customers i've lost, is the non-paying ones that go to dish after they've been disconnected. Then once they find out that dish can turn them off without even notifying them, they usually come right back to cable. Then there are a couple, but they still have our basic pkg to get their local channels. So even if they o go to dish, we still get some of their money. That's why we survive, we're very creative. We didn't just turn this system on yesterday.
> > You hardly warrant a reply. Obviously you have nothing substantial to add to the discussion or you would have. The only ones taking a beating right now are the cable companies.
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> > > Onetec, seems like you are a man with limited knowledge. Save yourself a verbal beating. Be sure you know what you are talking about.

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> > > > I hate to break it to you guys, but you can’t back any of that up. How is cable gonna crush dish’s? Quality? Nope, not even close. Price? HA! Service? We all know better than that. Smell the coffee, if cable keeps acting like it still has a monopoly, they will lose this battle
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> > > > > Your right about the cable vs. dish. A Good well maintained system will crush a dish company, But what hurts the cable companys is customer service! and thats what is hurting us,No customers no money! even after a rebuild they do nothing to make sure the customer has a great looking picture. you have to have good drops,good fittings, and a good conection all the way to the back of the TV. And without that, you don't have a good looking picture! At the price's there charging People want good service, And the bottom line is, Untill they do that, They are gona lose a lot of customers. hell you + me woulden't pay for a crappy picture either, And thats the fack! All they care about is numbers not the customer!