If he reclaimed 100% of all notes, debentures, and all class A/B stock issuances he becomes the sole owner. Now having said that he won't have to report to stock holders, 'cause their an't none! He won't have to report to NYSE, NASDQ, et al., 'cause he won't be listed for the public to scrutinize his personal business. He will still be responsible for reporting to the SEC, FCC, and the IRS, of course.
However, if there are "private" lending institutions that are contributing to the bank-roll effect then he'll have to report some type of pro-forma activity based on his P&L.
Wouln't you want to know how your private investment is doing? Damned right you do!
> If anyone gets a chance just look at Charter stock prices, right now they are at $4.72 It is rumored, according to the MultiChannel monthly, that Paul Allen is considering purchasing all available stock just to keep the company afloat. Which in turn will make it a privately owned company, what will that do to their prices???
> > isnt it strange that all jobs hiring right now are charter at half normal pay and they are supposed to be a major player in buyout of adelphia. this info is just heresay but would like input from others on this subject . been around since 70's and have not seen or heaerd of anything like this before. input please