Time for everyone to Unite!!!!!!!!
Member #: 6175
Registered: 1996-2001
You Guess?
A plumber cuz you can't get work!!!
Underpaid overworked fool!!
Cable HELL
I think in this time of trying to survive from the Adelphia situation, we should all ponder awhile and think of how the lowly contractor ( You know the cable scum that we are ) can prosper from this. I don't know about the rest of you, but I know that Im sick and tired of hearing how primes take advantage of us and how we'll work for what they want and how we'll do the stupid things they need done for sh** money. Time and time again we struggle. Contractors are the back bone of the cable Industry, and it's time we show that. It's time for us to name our prices, it's time for us to say "No Im not going to tighten seizure screws after I splice " It's time for us to show that we are the BACKBONE!!!! Now is the prime time so to speak. F--k them!!! Stand up for yourselves, tell them no more sh-t work at sh-t prices. What have you got to lose? Your not really prospering right now are you. Normally a prime gets anywhere's from .45 to .55 cents a foot for RURAL running, hmmm who's doing all of the work though? You, and what are you getting? Usually less than HALF. Believe it or not, this can be a time for us subs. Go pound nails, go grunt, but stand your ground and make this an industry for the Contractor the backbone of the industry.

This is CABL.com posting #75417. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mtMz
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