> I help run a good size company. If it's cable, we do it. I run everything having to do with installs and service. I was an installer for another contractor a few years ago, so I've seen a few points of view. I do everything from getting the contract, analyzing the cost, determining the pay scale, and hiring my guys.
> I compete against other companies in my area for work, and only have one thing to say about it; What The Hell!
> I pay my guys 25% more than any of my competitors, I train them well, they do great work, we have a perfect QC record going on four months now, and a fleet of professional vans.
> All I hear from the operators we manage to squeeze a drop of work out of is how horrible the other contractors (the ones their giving all the work to) are at their job. They bitch about the number of trouble calls, the qc's, the quality of their vehicles, and their business practices.
> Why in the hell can't we get some of the F*ckin work. Is someone getting an extra paycheck, or are they just a bunch of the biggest F************** idiots on the planet. They praise our work, then starve us to death. And I swear to g**, if I get one more call saying, "I really wish we had given you the work, because these guys are doing a horrible job!", I'm going to shove a 100' fish tape up someone's A**.
> I'm two seconds from starting a cable contractors union, and teaching these a**holes a real lesson. In two years we could be telling them how it's going to work. A good job done, fair pay earned, no more fu**in games. Back to earning a good living doing something we love, and offering a quality service at the same time. What do you dawgs think of that?