> Dear Mommy, I am with Farmer 1 and lots other cable dawgs out there. I am a single cable dawg...I have four children... and I do not expect my exhusband to pay my bills. I expect him to be a father to his children. Yes... I am a Mommy... and I am a cable dawg of 13 years. I have done lots of fields of the cable business and presently continue to live the cable life. My children are presently 17, 15, 13, 12. I was divorced in 1992 and haven't remarried, nor do I have a relationship in my life. I am not a walfare case... The only time I had walfare is when I expected my exhusband to support me and the children. However, I am a strong individual... I pick myself from the bootstraps and decided to live a life for me with my children, that we all deserved. You can support yourself... and when you choose to... you will... until then you will be a walfare case. If you don't like cable guys... leave them alone.... They are hard working tax paying individuals. Thank you.... (-REDACTED-)