> Hey, if you can stick your nose in my ass, and twirl your tongue around in it like that for me? I'll hire you guys!
> I'll tell the old lady to stop buying toilet paper now!! With your experience and gps units, its a can't miss situation!!!
> HA, HA, HA, HA, HA..........
> For a bonus on a job well done, how about a box of klenex, a toothbrush, and tube of toothpaste?

> Best reguards,
> Chuck Shapiro
> > I know you want independents and I know why. Consider this though, I have a couple of mappers that are top notch and they are out of work at this time and I would be glad to sign a non compete agreement with you and a non- didclosure. I respect your investment in finding and having this customer. We do both telco and Catv and I do this quite a bit. We have good vehicles and GPS equipment and we can be competitive even with the overhead. We are an approved vendor for several telcos and Coops and will be glad to send references. I am sorry that you have to take such abuse on this network from some of these contract stealing mappers. Not a lot of integrity out there. Good luck with your project. (-REDACTED-)
> >
> > > I need one or two independent mappers for as built walkout in the Mid-Atlantic area for approximately 1000 miles of work. Area is flat as a board, almost all street side, about 50% aerial 50% buried, density about 50% 25 homes/mile, 50% 70 homes/mile. As-built info includes cables, actives, passives, taps, some fiber. Mapping is basically to Cox specs. I need about 250 miles/month. Expect to do a significant portion of buried locating. If interested, please respond with prices/mile for as-built and strand mapping for both aerial and buried work, as well as locating, to (-REDACTED-) . There's no margin for another level of overhead on this, so please, no companies. I expect to be inundated with responses, so please include verifiable references for at least one job in the past two years.