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Re: How does Catv compare to other jobs??

Hello Cablegus,

How is life tonight?  Good I hope. 

I think you are right again with your assessment of the C.A.T.V. Industry.  It is lacking and there are many questionable contractors performing outside of their capacity.  This was once described in a book titled "The Peter Principle" .  This is when to early in life a person might find theirself at their peak and sinking quick.  They haven't found theirself at the peak of their career or their promotional ladder.  Much worse, they have found themselves at the peak of their own level of competence.  In their desires they have, for whatever reasoning whether itis low I.Q., Lack of education, un-willing-ness to sacrifice, they have found themselves floundering helpless-ly. Tiring from treading water they begin to sink.  Any who are within arms reach become a life saver,  if only for a short time then they are life-preserver. (Frankly, no one can save lives, that is a bullsh*t lie from the stinking A.M.A., doctors suck, they can only prolong, or preserve a one has the ability to save a life..we all pass on)  As industries become swamped with these  bar-room morons we all begin to suffer from humans with no ambition to further better themselves and in this stalemate others who would have brought about good change are painted to be trouble makers because they refuse to conform with this ever growing population of people who have found power and authority but are now operating at their 'level of IN-competence'  To many head bobbers in positions of authority.  They are threatened by any who do not play by Grand fathers rules and here is our demise.  Progress and change (by the way all change is good, some may have to change again to bring prosperity but ALL change is good. even if at first we appear to be losing ground we can correct that but you can not correct no-change)  Now only non-conformist thinking individuals are capable of the changing process.  Those who cut their hair or vote this  way or that way because everyone else is are a cancer to a progressive society.  And as long as we have suck ass still going along to get along we are is only a matter of how long can any of us tread water. 

That is what destroys all companies, all nations all families.  There are among us those who would trade liberties and freedoms for securities and comfort.  These people deserve niether. 

I have no particular statistics to varify this next belief but would be willing tobet on it, anyhow.  I believe there has been no industry that has generated more money, expediated more learning,nor created more million-aires than our C.A.T.V. industry has.  And in it's life has made this type of earning available to the lowest on the scale, (and I mean ANY scale you would measure from we have the lowest sub-humans in majority numbers then any other industry) anyone with half an ambition is able to determine at what amount of money will I be happy.  Before any take offense to my remarks know that I, too, am including myself on this scale of sub-humans and I think that gives me the right to talk about them,us you whoever!!! With sub-humans they all think they own copyright on terms and or opinions made of them by anyone who is not them.  We see all types of civil law suits varifying this everyday.  You can do anything to your own but if they are not like you then you can sue them for any type of intr-action they have brought into your life....what a bunch of snivelin,blaming bunch of wimps this civilrights thing is creating.  It will cause the Peter Principke to excel at a much higher rate then any one could have known at the time this book was wrote.  Now the in-competent are not making theiir promotions at their own in-competent rate of travel but htey have now help from the government to place them where there is no one like them beforre. and usually for good reason there was not any body like them there .  I think I am rambling now.

Now this is how I assess my position. Not to become constrained by promise or contract with any other individuals, They may be doing a good job at hiding their level of in-competence.  Especially if you drink know how everybody sounds so smart and so tough when you are inebriated...well this is one of their favorite devices to stay undercover get everyone here drunk and they will love me never expecting that I am floundering!!! Continue to do your job best as you can and know the opportunity you are waiting on is just over the next ridge and continue every day in that mind and should you cross that next ridge and if it IS THERE waiting you will be ready!!

Never, never, ever should we consider any type of regulation from any type government!!! Government in my opinion is the ANTI-CHRIST!  Literally, if there is an anti-christ then government fits the description tio a TEE.  Government is completely full of fools operating underthe Peter Principle...I think that is where the term dick-head came from.Joking.  As more and more we want from our government it will cost. It has to. scientifically, physically and Spiritually, intellectually,  anything we want,or have there is a price.  It has to.  I think it is maybe part of the law of physicsand if it isn't we need to amend those laws...everything has a price and government comes with one that destroys the soul...that is all I have to say

these have been my words and if they are for your ears then take them

if they are not for your ears...then leave them..

Let me remind any of you new age bitch-talkin, lip smacking H*M*F*CK*NG SEXUALS  I do not think humor un-invited is humor, should you think that by posting it makes you a tough man....I would suggest first putting real names and addresses on your profile...likethe rest of us Grown-ups do

Thank Cablegus for this provocative questioning once again, my mind has been challenged I will grow from this.


Til we sit and share smoke, wine and women again    Petergunn


Where there are no alternatives, there is no problem...Petergunn Lookstwice-2001.
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Posted in reply to: How does Catv compare to other jobs?? by cablegus
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: How does Catv compare to other jobs?? Shelley4TK 6/11/2002 9:47:00 PM
Re: How does Catv compare to other jobs?? cableupgrade 6/10/2002 6:59:00 AM