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Re: Adelphia latest discovery...The saga continues

Good observation on the money owed to primes, Zoot. I have personally watched one "mom and pop" contractor go under as a result of this mess. They were good people and really did an outstanding job for me. A few other contractors are remaining on board handling maintenance projects in hopes that it'll be over soon. I do not feel that we will see the light anytime soon, ew've already had to abandon several new projects and since we are in a competitive area I'm sure that they are lost for good. I've also wondered about the programming costs and the possibilities therein. This I believe is the first time in history that something like this has happened to this industry on such a large scale and with the current state of the economy and the other large players having their own financial difficulties I think Tow might be on the right track. If the company survives somehow as Adelphia, it will certainly be a long time coming before any hope of coninuing the projects that were put on "hold".
My thanks go out to TSI/Venture, L.O.S.T., TCS, and especially to R&R. It had been a pleasure (not always) working with all of you. I'm stayin' til they turn off the lights!(bounce)

> I have seveal collegues who work at various Adelphia locations. Things are quite calm there, people getting on with business (un)usual as I would like to refer to. Those friends who work in materials management are shouldering a greater burden when having to confront their materials vendors. Those "Good" vendors know all to well that the primary strings are pulled from Coudersport and are just maintaining the relationships that have been established on the local levels.
> Another friend who heads-up 14,000 miles of plant and their respective upgrades, rebuilds, and franchise requirements too having to recoil from the past 60 days worth of events.
> How about the programming costs that are owed by Adelphia? They too are on the hook for $Millions$ upon millions. Where do you think the overpayed actor's guild get their revenues from in the first place. What about the prime contractors who have Millions of dollars in invoices out at Adelphia. Those same companies that have turned around and payed their smaller sub-contractors already and stand to lose a great deal. Unfortunately, I suspect additonal filings by them in the ensuing months to come.
> On a personal note I think that Mr. Tow is forcing the company into receivership so to prevent any mass sales of properties at Fire Sale rates thus reducing his overal percentage of ownership and its own valuation. And if this occurs then the creditors will only (At best) get cents on the dollar depending what type of " Chapter X" they file.
> Either way, the pain and sufferage runs extremely deep throughout all of the ranks.
> > My Pay Check is still good & I am still working as a tech. I hope this ends soon(clap)
> >
> > > Friday June 7, 4:02 AM EDT
> > >
> > > NEW YORK (Reuters) - Investigators have found that Adelphia Communications Corp. (ADELA) kept two sets of accounting books and inflated its subscriber data, raising concerns the firm's questionable accounting practices may be broader than originally thought, the Wall Street Journal reported.
> > >
> > > The inquiry is also focusing heavily on the role Deloitte & Touche [DLTE.UL] played as Adelphia's auditor, the report added, with regulators taking a close look at what Deloitte knew about certain transactions that led to the company's plunge.
> > >
> > > On its online edition Friday, the Journal said investigators had uncovered evidence that Adelphia, the No. 6 U.S. cable company, kept two sets of books for its capital expenditures, one of which was shown to Wall Street and boosted the amount the company spent to upgrade its cable systems.
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> > >
> > > Citing people familiar with the situation, the Journal said Adelphia inflated the number of its cable television subscriber by between 400,000 and 500,000, or as much as 10 percent of the company's total customer base.
> > >
> > > One source told the Journal that the SEC is concerned that Deloitte "knew things and didn't bring them to the board's attention," this person said.
> > >
> > > Adelphia shares were delisted on Monday following months of uncertainty after disclosing in March multibillion-dollar off-balance sheet financing deals involving the founding Rigas family.
> > >
> > > With the bankruptcy ghost haunting Adelphia, the company is currently being probed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and two federal grand juries over possible accounting irregularities.(hammer)
> > >
> > >
> > >
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Posted in reply to: Re: Adelphia latest discovery...The saga continues by Zoots Alures
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