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We have about 1000 ADC nodes in our system..most of which are 3040's. Have you had any problem with high temperatures affecting your reverse tx's? We get several that crash due to heat every time the temps go above 90 or so. Some others just drop their output by 4-6 dB, causing low optical power alarms to go off in our hubs.ADC says their gear is OK up to 140F degrees or so, but thats not good enough, it seems...any ideas??
Jus wunderin'...(confused)

> Thanks for the postings. Why did you say they're not worth a boat anchor 1farmer? They have the entire system on these things! The ISX 3040 I'm ok with, it's just the old bastard ISX-3 that I hate. Thanks to the guy who posted the email addresses for C-Cor, and thanks to the guy who posted the postings about the test points. This is good to know. I STILL am curious why ya'll changed out the ADC's to SA's Node. Are you talking about the SA OPTOELECTRONIC 870 nodes? (I think that's what they're called). Why did ya'll throw out the ADC?
> Kevin
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Re: ADC NODES - OK 1FARMER 6/7/2002 12:58:00 PM