Regagrdless of his tastless methods quityourcrying has touched on something here. The woman obviously has the time and money to pay her phone/cablemodem bill and spend time typing posts begging for money on the internet to complete strangers whos only connection to her is that they happen to be in the same buisiness as her hubby. I personally find it tacky and lame. people come here all the time asking for money to start up buisinesses and with some lame stories and they all get the third degree from just about anyone. This is just a variation of a theme. does anyone in their right mind want to support another a**holes kids and wife? would anyone in their right mind send some stranger money when they know it's not likeley they would ever see it again? How the hell you don't know the woman is even a woman? like the other guy drop a check to me in the mail as well i could make up any excuse to ask for one
If you have so much faith and are so certain that your husband will be saved maybe you should have some faith he will bring home some money for you. You know god never handed anything to anyone. from what i understand you help yourself first and god kicks in somewhere at the halfway point.
I might point out you begging on a cable forum and cable men and god-- cable tv and god- well they don't exactly go hand in hand.
Don't you think you would be better served begging at your church or local supermarket in person? food stamps? ehh?
i wouldn't send you a wooden nickle and neither would anyone else with the exception of the married guy with high moral standards. I would be interested to know how his wife feels about him sending his money to a complete stranger. My wife would have me committed