> Hey does anyone out there have manuals for ADC Nodes? I am using the ISX-3 and I believe the newer model we have is the ISX 3040. I Will be willing to pay for these manuals.
> Some issues, I don't know whats what here. No one at my MSO that I know of at least, has manuals. I am especially lost on the older one (the ISX-3) (The one with the SA750 yellow pads/GLC's ETC.
> They have a crummy block diagram on the front, but I am so uncertain on what the 3 different test points are for! One is the forward in, theres 1 right by the output from the fiber lid and another one right against the GLCs. Both others seem to be bidirectional. I was told that the only way we can inject reverse is to use the test probes on the outside. Look I don't know. IF ANYONE CAN HELP or HAS EXTRA MANUALS PLEASE contact me!
> Thanks
> Kevin