the whole problem with working for a individual as opposed to a retail outlet or yourself is that since, in the last 7 years, the dish has become so available retail a lot of vendors who have subcontractors are finding the only way to turn a profit is to rob paul to pay peter ( you and me) or do the installs themselves and the problem with retailers is ,like any corporation they don't care about you or the customer just getting the green backs into the till. they make promises you can't keep and screw you ,the installer, when the customer isn't satisfied.
but i digress as far as rates you should get at least 75 dollars to 100 dollars an install minus gas and concrete (if it is not a rooftop mount or wall mount) 20 extra for each reciever you install and any extras are traditionally between you and the customer , such as splitters with multiple drops but not more recievers hooking up entertainment systems, surround sound or any kind of extra ordinary request that your supervisor won't pay for.
like i said it's been a while but i mad 75 to a 100 for a little dbs dish DTV or DISH network i made a little mpore for primestar but things could have changed. I wouldn't think it would be worth it for any less. unless perhaps you had 3 installs on the same block. I hope this helps good luck.

> just looking to find out how it pays, what pays extra, and so on...