> it needs to change, Operating discipline with uniformity and adequate information on a timely basis combined to enforce company ethics. Restoring integrity and honesty is paramount to repairing confidence among workers and customers in the telecommunications industry.
> > I just heard the latest on the Adelphia situation. i just wanted to say that its a sorry thing to happen to all the good contractors out there. This kind of thing does not happen alot and we are all fortunate that it doesn't. Alot of you have families and employees with families. I hope you don't let this spoil you on working in CATV any more than it spoiled people on power and gas in the Enron situation. The industry still needs you and we all need you to help make the entire cable world a better place to live. I know alot of people who lost alot of money and cannot pay employees. Good people who have never done a crooked thing in their lives. They look like criminals. If you are reading this thinking I am supporting you in collecting money from a prime working under Adelphia, you are not wrong or right. Just remember, they lost too. some lost profit,some lost a month or two of labor, others lost a lifes work to become a prime contractor. The accuations are that one the company's top officials ran off with close to 4.5 billion.He and his family spent it all . If you want to know where the money went, look no further. If you wish to email me your personal story ,please feel free.
> >
> > Godspeed.
> >
> > (-REDACTED-)