You Keep telling us to call and we have but no responses are
coming back to us.As off a few hours ago after I called your
offices in regards to our Monies due.No one to take care of this problem is available and You again post this crap.Your people are not cooperating and told that no one is recieving or has recieved their money and have no idea when it will be.
We did a good job for you and need to resolve this.If again
you are sincere in resolving this You need to return our
calls and settle this.805-375-6931 is the contact number which
you have.And by the way YOU came to us in seeking our help
on this Harrisburg project and we turned someone else down
to help you out.Then your people treat us like S..T because
Mr Shindeldecker asked us to come to Harrisburg and they
did not agree with his decision.As far as people not getting
their retainage BMW,Desert Sky,DC Comm,Frankenfield are some
of the subs and there are more.I am going to keep people posted as to the way you are responding to this issue.I'm
sure ATT & Comcast merger which I am voting on doesn't need
problems like Comcast contracting Vendors that do not pay.
Again wait for your return call. By the way It's Diana E
Frankenfield airing our grievances.Don't you want to deal
with a women?
> Mrs Diana E Frankenfield
Frankenfield Communications
> Karl P Frankenfield Jr Of Frankenfield Communications: This is the second time posting this and it's not the way to aire your grevience! Out of 60 contractors you are the only one with this complaint.You should contact our office directly and speak to Mike Keyser to solve your problem. From what I understand is that you have a mess that you didn't clean up and that's why you haven't been paid. Why do you think they have RETAINAGE? it's for this very thing. Now I'm not saying you're a HACK but if you were smart enough to get work from us in the 1st place then you should be smart enough to know that posting these type of remarks is the last thing you should do. Protel/Mastec is a great company and EVERYONE GETS PAID. Not one person has missed a pay check and the only ones who don't get paid are the subs who don't complete thier work. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS COMPLETE YOUR WORK AND INVOICE PROPERLY AND YOU WILL BE PAID. AND IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM THEN CALL US. We are here to help our employess and subs, we want you to get paid. Why are you making this 100% harder than it should be? If your work is completed as agreed the you will get paid, if it's not, then you have a serious problem. We are ultimitly responsible for completeing the work and if you can't successfully do your job then we have to get someone who will. Call me and let's find out what your problem is. By the way, no one ever mentioned the word 'moron' and I'm sorry that the owner of the company didn't take the time to have coffe with you, maybe next time he can take some time off from running a 40 million dollar company and his busy travel schedule to make you a fresh pot of coffe and maybe even bake you some fresh muffins and you guy's can talk about family, friends and the weather. Listen, I don't mean to sound sarcastic but you need to understand that we have 500 employees and things happen fast. You have a responsibility to do your job as agreed. You knew the work, you walked it out and agreed to do the job as specified. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS: DO YOUR JOB AND INVOICE PROPERLY. There's a problem when you are the only one's complaining. I looked into this and we've done nothing wrong.. except to have the owner not shake your hand. By the way, Keyser is a great guy and don't take it as a 'cold shoulder' if he didn't have coffee with you, he's just over-worked to the point where he doesn't have time for his own family. He just wants to keep you guys working and making money.

> > > This for Protel/Mastec in Harrisburg.Pay me my MOney!
> > > We traveled back and forth for people like you and do
> > > a good job, Then string us along to cleanup the crap others left behind and now want us to pay for it! NO!And I will not wait.This is not Directed at Jim Schindeldecker if anything he's straight up unlike Mr Keysner.SO if you are straight up Pay us and I will post your response to this problem and how you handled it.I really thought you were real Buisness People.
> > > If anyone out there can help with a contact for Comcast in
> > > Harrisburg,PA I would greatly appreciated.To all you Cable Dawgs Thanks for the Help in the past I am and Calling out to you once again!Also I have work!
> > > Very pissed off Wife!
> > > 805-375-6931
> > >