> This for Protel/Mastec in Harrisburg.Pay me my MOney!
> We traveled back and forth for people like you and do
> a good job, Then string us along to cleanup the crap others left behind and now want us to pay for it! NO!And I will not wait.This is not Directed at Jim Schindeldecker if anything he's straight up unlike Mr Keysner.SO if you are straight up Pay us and I will post your response to this problem and how you handled it.I really thought you were real Buisness People.
> If anyone out there can help with a contact for Comcast in
> Harrisburg,PA I would greatly appreciated.To all you Cable Dawgs Thanks for the Help in the past I am and Calling out to you once again!Also I have work!
> Very pissed off Wife!
> 805-375-6931