The signal is boosted to booth the main and aux.leg. On one side of the triangle will be your main and the other will be your aux. You can only split the signal on the aux legs with an internal splitter or DC .so two feeds off the some side would be your aux.legs and the single your main .If there is only one cable on each side you need to use the main and one aux W/ a jumper sending rf to the used is good pratice to put trunk on the main.

> > Thanks for looking. Recently on a job using these maps and C-Core eqpt. The prime provided no manuals, or training on this gear. This is the style of maps. I would like comments from you veteran splicers. We were told by the prime splicing supervisor that it didn't matter what feeder leg ports we used. Is it common sense that the two legs together on the map should stay together on the amp in the field ?