I don't know about Tenn, Ga, and Ala, but my insurance agent filed an application with the Louisiana Commerce and Trade commission and got mine for 8.8. I don't know all the specifics, but I am assuming it is backed by the state. I know that his first quote was 24.7, so this really helped me out.
> I would like to know worker comp individual rates for sub contractors for the states of Alabama, Tennessee, and Georgia. For the company I am with right now it is 51, 23, 20. I feel like I am being scammed or is this the kind of rates that everyone else is feeling? This is the highest I have ever seen them. I have not had enough claims to raise the rates that high. If this is the new trend with the drop in cable prices, I know I wont be in the biz much longer. Thank you in advance for future respones.