Well lets see I can no longer do the things I like to, however like any other time our industry takes a crap the good always survive. I can say that cause i have been through it before and will go through it again, like any other cable dog i can't understand how all the hackers in our industry stay working. However im not a hack and have giving a 110% to the projects I have worked on and my family right now is going trought hard times it happens, but for some ass hole to get on here and say that I need to flip burgers you sir can suck my cock and I say that with all sincerity. Its sh** heads like you that profile all sub contrators into one class you closed minded piece of sh** you have no idea the hurt Adelphia is causing our indusrty and some of the best contrators in our industry........
> > You need learn just one phrase.
> > "Would you like fries with that?"
> There are too many Scumbags like this joker in our industry, its past time to clean house, get rid of the deadwood and scum.