you know what guys this is one of the worst times in the cable industry and a lot of people knew for several months that it was going to hit and it has....but for heavens sake there is a lot of people out there worse off than we are and it's a shame that someone that can get their selves through it with a little sense of humor has to have it shoved back down their throats by a bunch of soar pusses....yeah times are are hard and could get harder but instead of sitting back and letting it slam dunk us let's get something going and help each other out...people are all the time getting benefits together for good causes why don't this cable bar help us all come up with something to help out the ones hit the worst...

> you say that with much familiarity, i guess you couldn't suck your way to asst. mgr

> > You need learn just one phrase.
> > "Would you like fries with that?"