> Nice message.

> > Hey guys. If you got unjustifiably screwed by the "General contractor" chances are good that you actually can recover. Chances are most probable that the GC and MSO have a clause in their master agreement under the sub-section of "Sub-contracted labor" that enables the MSO to directly compensate any or possibly all of the GC's sub-contractors. What does this mean to you you may ask?
> >
> > Get hold of the MSO's administer of agreements or the local Tech. Ops., or Construction manager first. Tell them of your situation and provide them the documentation that supports your claim. If you're smart you better check the details very closely to make sure that no retainage, back-charges, or flat denial of payment exists for anything. Once you can clear this hurdle I suggest that you enlist the help of the MSO. State that you're a small company totally dependant on your receivables. Hey, you payed the guys/gals working for you, then why doesn't the GC pay you per your agreement.
> >
> > If you don't get help from the first line manager, go to the upper most level outside the GM if one exists. Do the same thing. Keep going until you get your desired results. If there exists counter claims against your company then this surely will reduce your probability of collecting if not reducing the total outstanding amount. If all else fails write and certify a letter to the GC, MSO, and coopy the SEC, FTC, BBB, City/Town Supervisors, Franchise Authority etc. Get my drift?
> >
> > Good luck. One last thing though. You better, and I mean better have your ducks lined up and you clearly understand the claims that you are asserting are absolutely true.
> >
> > >
> > > Protel which is now Mastec is one!.These guys promise you the
> > > world until its time to pay up! They have two many Chiefs
> > > and everyone knows it all.Protel/Mastec they wait till
> > > you leave and then TRY TO F..K You!They Lie and use the
> > > little guy and believe me Protel/Mastec I will not
> > > sit still for this.So just pay me and PROVE to all that
> > > yor are not the Scum all say you are.I thought you guys
> > > were straight up. Earl that sh** you sent does not tell me
> > > anything.What is the discrepency and why?Why are you waiting
> > > till now? Why wasn't I informed of any of this? Why are you
> > > waiting. Protel/Mastec out of Harrisburg.They LIE!
> > >
> > > > Lets leave this post to leave a list of companies or workers that dont pay or just suck so people can be forwarned...........