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Re: companies/workers that dont pay or suck!!!!

Coast Cable is another

> Protel which is now Mastec is one!.These guys promise you the
> world until its time to pay up! They have two many Chiefs
> and everyone knows it all.Protel/Mastec they wait till
> you leave and then TRY TO F..K You!They Lie and use the
> little guy and believe me Protel/Mastec I will not
> sit still for this.So just pay me and PROVE to all that
> yor are not the Scum all say you are.I thought you guys
> were straight up. Earl that sh** you sent does not tell me
> anything.What is the discrepency and why?Why are you waiting
> till now? Why wasn't I informed of any of this? Why are you
> waiting. Protel/Mastec out of Harrisburg.They LIE!
> > Lets leave this post to leave a list of companies or workers that dont pay or just suck so people can be forwarned...........
Looking for Bart with Hoosiere Cable. Anyone have a good phone number?
This is posting #72102. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: companies/workers that dont pay or suck!!!! by Frankcomm
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