There are alot of things you will run into that only experience will get you through.......But I would to tell my new outage techs this........Plotting is the most important thing you can do to find an outage.....look at all of your adresses and find a starting point that they all have in common. Then when you get there make sure you have ac,dc and rf that will get you through most anything. Picture quality problems will require you to keep a T.V. in your outage van.
Make sure your van has 5 of everything........It is a real bear to trace down a problem and find out you can't fix it because you don't have a 10 cent 5 amp barrel fuse in your truck...........good luck to you!!!!!!
> about to start running outage calls. Are there any quick checkpoints or does anyone have some good advice on how to quickly start finding outage problems? From what I'm told, I'll get the phonecall from the MSO's operations center, and they'll give me a handfull of addresses. I've done a good bit of everything in the HFC world, but never had to respond to outages and get them up in such a timely fashion. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Re: OuTaGe CaLLs
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