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Re: Splicing Pictures, Good or Bad

Thanks for the support Harleyman. All the guy was asking for was pictures of splicing that they run into out there, good or bad. And this guy jumped in and started bitching about some splicer that has pissed him off in the past. Little does he know, not all splicers screw up a plant. It's just as much the cable guys as it is the splicers. Nobody's perfect, and we all make mistakes at one time or another. If everybody was perfect, there wouldn't be any work out there for any of us.(shocked)

True, but not only that I can not tell how many times I come to a pole and the Construction guys were to put the expansion loops in the cable and did not. Also not to mention they leave tails too short on the input side and too long on the output side because they can not read a map and see that the system is being turned around!!! They just look at the way it WAS up they and figure it is being done the same way again!! WRONG!!!!
> > If you had some splicing tools you could just do it yourself, but then you wouldn't have anything to bitch about.
> >
> > > <<>>Ok thats what constr guys hate!Thats why i cant stand alot of whinny,cry baby,pussy ass splicers,cause us constr guys take all day and bury cbl or hang it in the air ,spend sometime makin it look all pretty and stuff and it takes 2 seconds for some idiot hack to come along and f*** it all up and make it look like sh**!(eww)(snipper)(rolleyes)
> > >
> > > > Ok, here's a new topic to post splicing pictures under. Post your best, and the worst you run accross out there.
This is posting #71507. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Splicing Pictures, Good or Bad by Harleyman516
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