Did some checking around. I understand that you work for Air Dale not Exp?? Why is Exp responsible to pay you?? And is it true that you threatend peoples lives down in Miami?? Not very smart thing to do.
> 8 weeks of hell for still another week of no pay. Who are we kidding here? How could Ex..... still think I haven't caught on to the game???????? And that
> Ja... Kni... What about him? And the owner who I finally spoke to today To.. D.....? What is the deal with everyone not getting paid? Ai..... Prog...... C.. Phoe...
> I can't possibly believe that all the subs are wrong.
> At&t gets a full accooounting of the whole layout tomorrow when I get stiffed again. We're talking close to $9000.00 Hope that check gets to me.
> Yours trul