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Re: Beware of john holly

I apologize if i misinterpreted your post. And, to an extent I agree with you. We can do without the ball sack references, general idiocy of misspellings throughout(use spell check for crissakes!) and incoherent ramblings about family members, but one of the greatest assets of this forum is finding information about who to avoid doing business with. More than once the info on this board has saved me from the headaches of hiring companies that later proved the negativity was not misdirected. But, when a poster exhibits the traits you refer to, I usually take thier info with a grain of salt and figure the person is too stupid to deserve getting paid anyway.

> I didn't intend on being smug,just what I happen to think about the tone of some of the postings . I ain't John Malone and my whole point had to do with the very ugly nature of the original post calling the guys wife a whore etc.I don't have a problem with stuff being posted about the vaious rip off's we all have to deal with in this business.Although I don't particularly agree with what you said, you are entitled to your opinion and it was done with a degree of professionalism that is really what I'm talking about in this series of postings.
> > Pretty smug answer. Judging by your post you must regard yourself as John Malone or some other cable guru. Is that why your name isnt listed? This guy has nothing to be embarrassed about. While you never get the whole story from an internet board, I for one appriciate a heads-up about someone so I can do my own investigation. I guess you know everyone in the cable business so your info must be unimpeachable. I dont understand your protest other than you must be one of those that have been called out at some time for shabby business practices. More times than not the people I know that have been called out here deserve it. Think about that.
> >
> > > You have'nt offended any one that I'm aware of. The correct term is embarrassed. Someday you will understand what I'm talking about but 13 years in the business is just past entry level.There are better ways of dealing with your situation than using this forum. I can say anthing I want about anybody at anytime and there is no way to know what the real truth is.The truth here is that the way you have chosen to address the situation is unprofessional and those of us who understand what I'm saying don't pay any attention to internet slamming. We have our own networks and experience to make decisions as to who we think is good and who we think isn't.Think about it.
> > >
> > > > Sorry if I offended anybody out there. I to have been in the business for thirteen years now. I thought it was because of my quality work and strong work ethics that I had'nt been screwed before. Maybe I've just been lucky. Once again, sorry if some of the guys out there think that I'm crying, Im not. I just want people to have the heads up on john holly. I think there are people out there that would want to know if somebody is trying to pass for something he is not. John Holly is less than what he says he is. Enough said, no more threats,bad language. But you will see me on here every now and then to let people that this guy is no good. Besides it does'nt take up that much space. If you don't want to see what I have to say, then when you see ROBOCHUCK, just scroll on down
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Posted in reply to: Re: Beware of john holly by plantman
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Re: Beware of john holly plantman 4/24/2002 10:30:00 AM