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See ya when I see ya (wouldn't wanna be ya)

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am done with this place. Hypocrites, liars and thieves, I have had enough. I have enjoyed parts of the last 5 years hanging out here but this place has changed from a excellent forum for people in the communications fields to share information and find lost friends and lovers, to a place where slander, lies and deceit are the main topics. This industry has changed from skilled, knowledgeable men and women to fly-by-night companies whose only skill is talk. We have all tried not to change (for the worse) along with the biz but the competition is plentiful if nothing else and it has been a long hard haul. I for one choose not to be a part of this site anymore. Some of you will relish in this, maybe some will miss me, but in either case, this will not be the last you hear of me (good or bad) you just won't hear from me here. I've rambled on and maybe I really haven't said much, but I feel better. Remember: Arguing on the Internet is like winning a stupidity race>> You may win but you are still stupid. There are a lot sharp, honest people that hang out here that I will miss and if anyone cares to get in touch with me... (-REDACTED-)
This is posting #68863. Tiny Link:
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Re: Last words of a "disrespected" Cable Veteran.. 1 CATV Black Sheep 4/17/2002 11:15:00 AM