> It's the nature of the business, feast and famine. Especially with smaller sub-contractors. There are so many variables to take into consideration, that it makes life, in that vinue, pretty difficult at times. I can't give you a cure. However if you find one, pass it around.
> > I don't know stop me if you think I am senseless, but it seems as though the cable dawgs make great then lose lots. What is the deal here. How much of a person's soul do you have to sell to make a dollar. Sounds like too much heartache, headache, heartattack, and backstabbing. Maybe the wheels are spinning in the mud. Like a '63 Pontiac Tempest. (one wheel spinning, the other stationary) What are you gaining in this business. Does it help for the greater good of mankind? Don't forget the debt has already been paid, on the cross at Calvary.