My right to free speach. If you do not like it. Go away. Or???
Do not read it. After all you do not see me on the telling
Cum guzzling little Sally jokes. I do not believe that is what is looking for. I do not feel the need to push that kind of stuff
off on If I did, do you think they would respond? I always
feel the need to speak up when the Bible thumpers show up. After
all, is that not why they come around. You know, save the sinner's.
Get a good fight going with that ol devil. After all he is every
where. You Bible thumper's go some where else and pick a fight.
You have your right to free speach. You do not have the right to
start sh**. Go to enjoy your right to free speach. Live
a happy and healthy life. Rejoice in your GOD. Just take your
Bible with you when you go. After all if you would ever watch
the Discovery channel you know that, GOD did not make the world,
a lizard did. They have a book that says it is true.
Re: Revised Bible VS Translated Bible.....
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