The scumbag employees that you used to have to worry about in the old days got thier contractors licenses and are now the employers to beware of.
> It used to be that the people cheating were the employees, back in the day, but now, the employees are getting scrapped, and the EMPLOYERS need to have criminal background checks run on them before accepting any job offers. I tell you, when I first got out of high school, and went on job interviews, I was trying to sell them on why they should hire me. But today, 20 years later, I have come to understand that the company needs to sell itself to me as to why I SHOULD work for them. I am tired of killing myself, giving 3000% to the job, missing out on family, and for what, nothing. The priority is family, not work. And they (the job) can take or leave it. Can I get a witness?
Re: Where oh where have the good jobs gone...
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