> Thank you guys and girls for your response. I realize I sometimes go adrift, and seem slightly Polyannaish, but what's so wrong with that. We all can still play the glad game, if we make up our minds to do so. Love, Live and be happy. Why have a heartattack just because someone else did you wrong. Just dust yourself off and remember, whatever you are going through is just temporary. The old cliche'is true; tomorrow is another day. As in the world of Scarlet O'hara.
> > I am a person, of whom, of all things, has a soul. I have a right to loved and a longing for it. Love doesn't have to be from one person on a intimate level. It can be from anyone, with just a simple "hello". Kindness, and respect are two of the most important elements any person can share with another. Why do we humans tend to only share those with the ones we "choose" to care about. Can't it be shown to anyone? Pass the kindness on and expect a quick residual. To love is to live in complete and utter happiness. Try it sometime. Stop the hate.