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Re: MASTEC - Ray, one of the few good ones

ComCast isnt stupid (wonder why they asked MasTec to rebid Wildwood and Cape May ??) they see the exidous, and the quality going downhill. These are my insider points to make. Second hand info is just that, these are things I observed and heard from people I know to trust ( unfortunately there arent many )
As to who I am, I'll keep that to myself for now.

I am in writing this just to say I am curious as to the identity of the mystery writer. In general I stay out of these ridiculous ranting’s, but from time to time I am intrigued with someone trashing a very good company and I am curious.

As for the above comment are you telling everyone that comcast caught on to Mastec's shabby product and held a meeting and said "Hey you guys are doing sloppy work so rather than replace you, we are going to continue using your garbage product, but we want to pay you less, so rebid" that doesn't even sound real now does it?

I have been in this industry for a number of years, lets just say well into double digits (I know someone will come forward to let me know they have been in it longer) and I have worked for Major and Minor Primes, just set the tone, this is all I have ever done and all I'll ever do. I am not a carpenter this year and cable dawg next.

So I have seen both sides of the fence, as have most, getting to my point, I was an in-house Mastec Lineman, then a Project manager, and I left over a disagreement with a certain few in management,( Inside info, in retrospect I found that most of my problems were easily corrected by following policy and procedure which is spelled out clearly in a handbook I am sure you have read) though I have remained loyal as a sub for the past 5 years and I am also working with another prime who will remain nameless (I am not a basher, I deal with things on a professional level) that forces me weekly to chase money owed to me, for no reason other than they could give a rats ass about my company. I am here to state point blank that you will not no matter what road you hoe find a better company to work for, concerning matters of pay, and management (Please don’t let this go to your heads folks)

All your checks will be accurate as long as you follow simple and I mean simple paperwork routine. I have never been back charged/ simple solution (don’t do sloppy work + do your Cleanup = No back charges) anyone who knows their behind from a hole in the ground knows the people you just mentioned are very adept in the industry, the one you named the good guy Ray he’s the bad one (just kidding Ray) no seriously they all are very good in this field, when I make out my invoice and send it in I don’t have to worry whether it will "get paid" or "be there on time", (thanks to the corporate office and its diligent staff. Hi guys.) And as an in-house employee I made a very nice living even with other linemen being higher up the ladder (Paul Hare, John Corning You know you did Paul lol) but everyone knows you've got to pay your dues, I am curious as to how long you were there though even without giving your identity (chicken sh** as the old dawgs would say) you could tell me that, I will proudly display my name and you can ask around about me I have a very good history in this business, and please if you ever plan to say who you are, DO ask around about me BEFORE you get back on and bash me,(It is a small world this Cable world) but if your going to remain a mystery then I’m sure you will get back at me by being a tough guy with keystroke muscles.

But I digress my point is this if Mastec was that bad to you then you’re in for a real treat in this industry.

P.S. If by chance you know me which I doubt dont hesitate to call me, I am seriously interested in your reasons for these claims.

The Original Big Daddy(Believe it)


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Posted in reply to: Re: MASTEC - They are going down the toilet, hmm, by revertmastec
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Re: MASTEC - Ray, one of the few good ones baldie 4/6/2002 8:01:00 AM