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Re: Religion and cable tv...

In regards to one of the Jefferson letters Buckster misrepresented the other day, (the one where Bucks radical leftist web site quote had Jefferson speaking of the Christian religion being a three headed monster). Jefferson is known to have penned three letters to his nephew, Peter Carr. Two were penned from Paris, the last one a decade or so before he died, from Monticello.

The second letter is written 10 August, 1787 where Jefferson discusses specific issues in regards to Carrs education. Among other things, Jefferson speaks specifically of morality and religion, urging Carr to read the Biblical scriptures as he would read other relavent historical texts, specifically the Roman historians "Livy and Tacitus". He spoke of using common sense in his interpretations, giving examples such as the Sun standing still. He discused the issues in the physical sciences that would have to be waived on order to provide that to be literally possible. He stated that Carr will have to determie his belief on his own, he spoke of what he might find if he determind he did not believe in God, and he likewise spoke of what he might find should he determine he believes Christ.

However Jefferson made no such comment (Christianity is a three headed monster) to Carr in any of three letters.

Ironically, in this same letter, he admonished Carr to avoid the discussion of religion, with others, pretty much on the whole.

There is today, a serious effort by the left, and those too dimwitted to reason otherwise, to distant the founders from there religious foundations.

If you want a classic example read the last post I made on the subject and note the knee jerk reaction by the Buckster. He took a segment of my position, then proceeded to completely misrepresent the position that surrounded it.

My Favorite part is how he claims to posses intimate first hand knowledge of the whole writings of the founders, and has deduced from a study of the writings, an error in the conventional wisdom of the religious right. He admonishes the religious right for misrepresenting the founders, and uses out of context, and wholly fabricated quotes to support his position.

The notion that Adams wasn't religious is preposterous.

I've no desire to list a stream of quotes here, those that care to study the man will readily find I'm correct.

I will however make my stand on Adams query, in a letter to his Wife Abigail at the onset of the French Revolution, when he pondered the potential viability of a 'republic comprised of 4 million Atheist'.

And as uncomfortable as I am doing so, I have to agree with Pickerell, Christ was not God. He never claimed to be God, he was never represented to be God. Christ spoke of God as "my Father' and so on.

Finally, this thing about Religion being responsible for Wars. It's nonsense. Man has free will. Wars are always over power. Wars are about one person or group forcing THIER will onto others. If you're thinking war and want Christs' position, he is clearly down as advising to turn the other cheek, to forgive 7 times 70, and so on. He would advise if someone is desirous of forcing their will on you, then let him. (Im afraid this is one of those little things where Christ and I disagree. It is one of the innumerable reasons , I am sure, why I am not Christ.)

Now if you doubt that this is Christ position, look up the whole Easter thing. He walked the walk.

The thrust of his position is this life is fleating and ones life with the Father is long one, don't screw the life after with what ya do in this one.

Bottom line, human beings are finite flesh and bones. Some more finite than others.. Pickerell

God is infinite and it's fairly unlikely that finite beings are going to grasp the infinite. It falls into the same category of leftist and grasping reason.... "If they could, they would".

Consider if ya will the sot that wanted to stand on the vast differences of the leftist failures of utopiansim, socialism, and communism. They're all absurd notions with no potential viability on any level. These notions like ALL other leftist notions are based wholly upon innumerable false premises.
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Re: Religion and cable tv... 1 CATV Black Sheep 3/31/2002 7:11:00 PM