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Re: "The Truth will set you free"! Healing theyselves...........told ya

> We have a winner!!!!!!!
> If you bet that Pickerell COULD post a Specific Example in support of his own emphatic position: YOU LOST!!!!
> > Hey Mike (WoosEEEeeee),

> > Why didn't you just talk to me to my face?
> ANSWER: Because I didn't want to go to jail for kicking your sorry ass all over St. Louis.
> > You LIED about the way the situation went down with the other MIKE!
> ANSWER: I said you billed Jones for $6000 fo training. Are you denying you did this?
> > And Gary Muth know's the TRUTH about it!
> (Oh, I'm CERTAIN Muth is VERY excited you brought him up,
> Kiss kiss Gary :)
> Answer: Your absurd assertion that Muth holds a position favorable to you is a fallacy of the "ignorante" variety. It's illustrative of you being an imbecile.
> > He just will not "play these stupid game's" like we do and make himself a spectical!
> Answer: What in the hell is a "spectical"? I've spoken to Muth and many of those that have had the misfortune of hiring you. There is a common thread in all cases, let me sum it thusly: How many companies you have worked for since, say ..... , St. Louis, that have called you back, desirous of you coming back to work for them? (here's a clue, it looks like this >>>>> 0 <<<<<.
> > Yeah, I'm admitting to BRINGING myself "WAY DOWN TO THE GARBAGE PIT" level of YOU!
> ANSWER: Do what? Indecipherable Drivel....
> > Guess I need to work on that!
> ANSWER: Good Guess.
> > Please, come to Little Rock and let's TALK it out like MEN!
> ANSWER: Discussion in an open public forum, IS "talking it out, like men " or otherwise. I detecting some posturing implying you desire to engage old onion head in battle? You wanna "step outside" meat tweaker? ROFLMNAO..
> Now, I'm betting you will opt to be "specific" again.
> Let me know. I'll find some way to get up to Little Rock.
> > ChickenCHIT!!
> ANSWER: See Above.
> > You can't even put your REAL email address in your info because you would have SO MANY people PISSIN in your email box!
> ANSWER: More fallacy. Sadly for you, there is no correlation to your fantasy about how many ppl will piss in my e-mail box on your behalf and reality. But what the hoooooo: sweepspecialist@aol. Im betting I have roughly one pisserinnermyboxer.
> > I would have aired this out a long time ago on your personal email address.....but your afraid of me!(snipper)
> >
> ANSWER: You have aired out on this very topic, on the email address you asserted was fraudulent, no less than a half dozen times. If you choose to deny it, I can post the emails.
> Your and You're are not interchangable ya illiterate buffoon.
> Can you spend a moment or two to explain why someone would be afraid to get a nast-e-gram from you?
> Mark A. Pickrell
> > Black Sheep Tech Man
> > BlackBalled Communications, LLC
> > 1-800-YOU-ROUT
> >
> >
This is posting #66840. Tiny Link:
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