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This is not a reply to any one message but to all the religion threads that have sprung up over the past week. I'm relatively young and I had the privledge to grow up in a school system devoid of religious interference. The transition occured sometime while i was in grade school so I remember creation vs. evolution debate and all that nonsense.

I don't think it really matters what the founding fathers were feeling exactly when they wrote the constitution a christian nation - a nation with church and state separate. The Union as it exists is a Government where church and state are separate and a good thing too because not everyone in this union is christian and a christian state would simply not represent it's constituents. Furthermore every Government run by religion has ended in corruption and has been guilty of opressing some member of it's society. Where would we be if our policy was dictated by the likes of billy graham, oral roberts robert tilton and countless other religious leaders? We would simply be the American Taliban and freedom and Justice for all would mean nothing. Freedom and Justice for the christians might. I am not christian and I feel I have the morals it takes not to be labeled scum. I don't spit on people, rape women, don't hold racist views, molest children, I vote, pay taxes, call my grandmother, and visit my fathers grave. I don't have the urge to walk into a school or post office and blow everyone away.

It seems to me the problems with these kids start at home first we can't expect the school system and the government to raise our kids with the morals and values they need to survive in society. We can't blame them when the kids go wrong. The only thing I expect of them is to expand on anything my children learn from me and not teach them how to hate or kill but I don't expect them to teach them what God to pray to, what church to attend, how to dress etc. Kids have to know how to behave before they go to school or teachers can't do their jobs.

Too often these days parents look for a pill to give their kids at the slightest sign of a problem. there is a pill for virtually every problem out there when mostly kids need a little attention from their parents. I find that a lot of people use their television as a babysitter while they go off to a bar, argue over the bills, work late, or go to their rooms to make more kids. Pretty soon their kids are 18 and they don't know them. Their kids have a sh**load of social problems and don't know how to eat in a resturant without making a spectacle and they look back and wonder where they learned it all from. The baby sitter - the TV. I am not saying TV incites kids to violence like the bullsh** on the news right now it is far larger than that but it is a focal point and the center of most childrens lives. the other is the neglect of the parent and yes perhaps to a certain degree the lack of a religious influence in their lives. This has become a nation of psychobabble with everyone looking for someone to blame for their problems but noone willing to look inward.

And isn't it an oxymoron to have religious debates on a Cable web forum. After all most of what is on Cable TV is godless at it's best and downright evil and perverted at it's worst. We are the agents that deliver it.

I say to those of you who want religion in your schools put your kids in private religious schools. Today there are people from many religions going to public schools and it is much easier to exclude religion than to include all religions.

And by the way all religions abide by some moral code not just christianity
This is posting #66580. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: TOUCHE!! by Buckster
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