> this guy is a lieing sob and should not be in cable.if you want to go broke go to this job.he has no idia what cable is about.he never spliced a piece in his life and he is getting payed .42 and paying you 20 he is a rip off.he will tell you it streetside and its all back yard and 100 ft spans
> > Need splicers to add to our crew. Management in place and will do planning, you get your pieces and maps and go to work. Long term project. We need you to cut, activate and do bonds. Can work daylight to dark and Saturdays. We will do Vgr's, Peds, Etc. Plant is a little bit of everything. You will get 2000' days. You will get 4000' days.
> >
> > $ .21 ft for individuals
> > $ .22 ft for small crew
> >
> > If interested send e-mail to (-REDACTED-)
> > We will send project info to those intersted.
> >
> > Your work will be checked dailey. Bucket babies or Hackers won't last.
> >
> > Please feel free to call anytime.
> >
> > Thanks for your time,
> >
> > David Waddell
> > Venturino & Associates, Inc
> > 989 845-7745 office
> > 989 233-4922 cell