> Now, I want to know what types of documentation systems people are using to record, categorize, or organize the QC data collected in the field ie: spreadsheets, stand alone programs, or any other media that has been getting the desired affect (improved quality, doing away with hackers and sub-standard technicians). What are you doing with the data after you collect it etc?
> What advantage does having organized gig data give you? What value do you see in being able to organize the info your eyes in the field bring you? Alan, I know your answer.
> Thanx.
> Mark
> > At no time in any type of construction does quality take a back seat to the schedule.It is that type of mentality that causes non payment and the opinion of a lot of MSO management people that contractors are not to be trusted.
> > Part of proper construction scheduling is determining the correct number of workers needed to complete the build on schedule.This has nothing to do with quality.
> >
> > > Well, Some people have had their say, now it's to the bottom line, not to say that everyone's comment is valid, for they are, it's just that the "cable provider" has the final say. It is in essence whether or not the deadlines are the top priority or the quality in conjunction with a realistic deadline are the top priority. If the "cable provider is more concerned with the deadline date then quality takes a back seat. One must determine the priority list of the "cable provider". Corporate Executives have little or no idea what it takes to put "it" up or to cut "it" hot, the only priority on their agenda is their income, they are gonna see from the work preformed. You'll have to hammer on the " cable provider" in order to ascertain the criteria on which you'll proceed. If not you'll get your ass burned.
> > >
> > > > If you have an interest, I would be willing to share with you the features we programmed into our project management software program. In your message, you didn't identify from which perspectus you would be looking at QC, the operator side or the contractor side. Please feel free to reach me at 623 582-4240 daily. If I am out of town, leave a message and I will return your call.
> > > >
> > > > Alan
> > > >
> > > > > I am looking for feedback from construction project managers, walkout people, QC managers, QC technicians,etc. concerning any existing construction QC programs that anyone has used. What are you using? How well does it work for you? In your opinion, what does a good QC program need to do? If you can, send me a copy of your program. If that's not asking for too much.
> > > > > Please send me your comments and ideas so I may include your feedback into building my QC program.
> > > > > Please reply to e-mail address here.
> > > > > Thanks for your help.
> > > > > Mark Breithaupt
> > > > > Breithaupt Enterprises Inc.