I have a love for CATV and I've been interested in splicing fiber since before I got into cable. I have three years experience with splicing anything coax from node to EOL. I'm single w/ no kids so travelling is very easy and something I don't mind doing at all. All I'd need is transporation to job location and a company truck. I have a very good DMV record, one speeding ticket for doing 54 in a 45. I don't necessarily need a bucket, I have my hooks and tools to get started. Currently I'm in the process of making up a resume or else I'd send you one already. You can e-mail me at
(-REDACTED-) if interested.
> We are currently seeking a top notch gig free coax splicer that is interested in broadening their knowledge as a fiber splicer, your job will be to learn and assist with fiber splicing when the work load is heavy and revert back to coax splicing when the work load is light. please e-mail resume along with compensation requirements and expectations.