1.Make sure the workers know exatly what is expected for all items.
2. Look at the work while it is in progress.
3. Inspect 100% after it is complete.
4. Get rid of anyone who generates clean up beyond the first few ride outs.
Sounds simple, but the execution is a bit trickier than it seems.
> I am looking for feedback from construction project managers, walkout people, QC managers, QC technicians,etc. concerning any existing construction QC programs that anyone has used. What are you using? How well does it work for you? In your opinion, what does a good QC program need to do? If you can, send me a copy of your program. If that's not asking for too much.
> Please send me your comments and ideas so I may include your feedback into building my QC program.
> Please reply to e-mail address here.
> Thanks for your help.
> Mark Breithaupt
> Breithaupt Enterprises Inc.