Well you could use a splitter set up....where you have a splitter on each feed: sat 1 Vert and Horiz/ sat 2 vert and horiz. 4 splitters total, then run leads to each receiver from the splitter that is on the feed you want, and retrune the receivers. Or radio shack makes a 8 way multi switch, but you would need 2, 1 for each dish and it would limit you to 8 feeds off each satellite.
> I do have a dish pointed at each bird and dual lnb's. It is a ku-band set up. the receivers are GI DSR 410. Typically tuned to one satellite but I want to make a channel line up overhaul simplified by re-tuning the receivers instead of moving all the equipment around. I have used Aspen multiswithces before to look at both polarities but how do I set up to look at both satellites?
> > Sure....as long as you have 2 dishes (or satellite feeds) and they both have dual lnb's. Is this for a ku-band dish or a c-band dish. What kind of receivers do you have?
> >
> > > Any suggestions? / Is it possible? on a multi switch set up (brands etc.) where I can have multiple receivers looking at both polarities on two different birds?